Live Events

Once a month we host an online Fruity Knitting Live Event with a special guest who has previously been interviewed on the show. Our Live Events allow Shetland & Merino patrons to ask our guests questions that might be more relevant to them, or discuss topics we didn't cover during the YouTube interview. The event is also recorded and available in our Fruity Knitting Live audio podcast. Previous guests include designers like Kaffe Fassett, Marie Wallin, Stone Knits, John Arbon Textiles and mYak yarns.

  • Shetland patrons can attend live online.
  • Shetland & Merino patrons can comment their questions for the guest before the event starts.
  • Shetland & Merino patrons can also listen to the event later as an audio podcast – on Patreon or their preferred podcast app! (Watch this tutorial to learn how links to YouTube Video)
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