This is a really quick guide to help you get started in using the Fruity Knitting Patron Community platform.
How do I log in?
- You need to be logged into Patreon to be able to get into the Fruity Knitting Patron Community. (If you can access the discount posts on Patreon and see the Discount Code, then you know you’re logged in.)
- Go to in your browser.
- Click the button that says, Log In.
- A dialog box will come up saying, “Fruity Knitting Patron Community would like to…“, etc. Click Allow.
- The first time you log in, you will need to provide a username. (We suggest you use your first name plus the first letter of your surname, e.g. MaryJ. No spaces allowed.)
- You should now be logged in to the Fruity Knitting Patron Community. If you have any problems at this point, contact us on Patreon.
What should I do first?
- Read the Welcome message.
- Introduce yourself, by replying to the Introduce Yourself Topic.
- Show us what you’re working on, by replying to the Under Construction Topic.
- Show us what you’ve finished lately, by replying to the Bring & Brag Topic.
How do I get back to the beginning?
- Click on the Fruity Knitting logo towards the top of your screen.
- You can always enter in your browser.
How do I reply to a topic or an individual post?
You can reply either to the overall Topic, if you have something to add on the Topic in general, or to an individual Post, if you have something to add on that specific Post.
- To reply to the Topic, click on the blue Reply button at the very end of the Topic.
- To reply to the Post, click on the grey Reply icon at the end of that Post.
How do I add an image to my post?
Click on the Upload icon in the post, select Choose Files, and select the images from your device.
How do I get help on using the Community site?
- Send Andrew an e-mail at
- If you’re in the Community site, you can click on the picture of Andrew and send him a message.
- Check out the Community User Guide to find out about more features.
- If you’re not able to get into the Community site, send us a message on Patreon.