Episode 44 – Christmas Special – Shetland Designer

Episode 44 - Fruity Knitting Podcast

Episode 44 is our Christmas Special and features a beautiful interview with Wilma Malcolmson, owner of the company Shetland Designer, together with her granddaughter Terri. This is surely one of the most charming interviews of the year.

Episode 44 - Fruity Knitting Podcast
Episode 44 – Fruity Knitting Podcast

New Releases features Australian designer Jessica Gore, and Bev from Perth, Scotland joins us as our guest on Knitters of the World.

We get an update on the Tegna by Caitlin Hunter, and we’ll be taking you on a short walk around Beddgellert in the Snowdonia National Park. We hope you enjoy the show.

Shetland Designer – Wilma Malcolmson and granddaughter Terri

As we have already said, we had a wonderful time at Shetland Wool Week this year, but one of the highlights was visiting Wilma and Terri Malcolmson.

Malcolmson, next to a photo studio portrait of Wilma's mother and aunt wearing their own creations of the day
Wilma and Terri Malcolmson, next to a photo studio portrait of Wilma’s mother and aunt wearing their own creations of the day

Wilma is the owner of Shetland Designer, a company which started 35 years ago, designing and hand-knitting Shetland colorwork sweaters. The company grew and now sells garments globally.

Wilma Malcolmson showing the color inspiration for some swatches
Wilma Malcolmson showing the color inspiration for some swatches

At some points in the interview you will hear Shetland’s wind and rain against the windows, but inside the atmosphere was warm and cosy. Wilma talks fondly of her childhood, with stories of walking by the starlight to visit friends and knit by the light of a paraffin lamp. Times were no doubt hard, with knitting work making an important contribution to the family budget, but Wilma radiates gratitude for the life she has enjoyed.

Wilma Malcolmson - Color inspiration from Vermeer's "Milkmaid"
Wilma Malcolmson – Color inspiration from Vermeer’s “Milkmaid”

Granddaughter Terri is forging her own way in the knitting world. She shares some of her design approaches and shows us some of her own works, including samples from a wedding commission which she undertook.

Terri Malcolmson showing swatches for commission work
Terri Malcolmson showing swatches for commission work

We look forward to seeing more from Terri Malcolmson.

Finding Wilma and Terri Malcolmson

Dulwich Hat by Jessica Gore

Jessica Gore is an Adelaide-based designer working under the name The Sweater Collective. In New Releases she presented her Dulwich Hat.

Jessica Gore and the Dulwich Hat
Jessica Gore and the Dulwich Hat

Patron Discount

Patrons can get a 20% discount on the pattern for the Dulwich Hat, with details available on Patreon.

Dulwich Hat by Jessica Gore of The Sweater Collective
Dulwich Hat by Jessica Gore of The Sweater Collective

Finding the Dulwich Hat and The Sweater Collective

Bev from Perth, Scotland – Knitters of the World

Bev Dot with some of her stranded colorwork
Bev Dot with some of her stranded colorwork

Finding Bev

Frankfurt Christmas Markets

Frankfurt was largely destroyed during the war, but a section of the inner city, including the cathedral, was spared. The Christmas Markets take place in an area called the Römer, which I think is taken from “the Romans”. You can see the beautiful “Stockwerk” – half-wooden house fronts in the image below.

Frankfurt Christmas Markets
Frankfurt Christmas Markets

Frankfurt is certainly not the most beautiful Christmas Market to be found in Germany, but it does enjoy the typical hand-crafted toys and decorations, and the individual foods like roasted chessnuts. We try to visit the market at least once a year and particularly enjoy getting some “Backfisch” – deep fried fish in a bun.

The Cafe

The cafe was closed for the Christmas period, but perhaps more interestingly, is up for sale. So if you can bake excellent scones and are looking for a beautiful, thriving little location, get in touch!

Music Credits


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