Zoe Fletcher is our interview guest in Episode 82 of Fruity Knitting. Earlier this year at the EYF some of you will have seen Zoe Fletcher’s toolkit called the The Woolist. Zoe is a British wool researcher who is also a knitter and designer and has recently completed a PhD on British Sheep breeds. Over a four year period, she traveled around the UK collecting information on 72 pure breeds of sheep. She then developed a designer’s toolkit which highlights the unique qualities of each of these breeds. It is totally fascinating that wool can have so much variation and this toolkit shows you that in a very clear way. As you can imagine after doing a PhD on the subject, Zoe has so much interesting and valuable knowledge to share, so we have a two part interview with her today.
On top of that we go to Finland and Oklahoma to meet Johanna Stolpe and Andrea Cull who will be our guests on New Releases and Knitters of the World. I have nearly finished my yoke jumper which I’m keen to tell you about and Andrew has a quick update on his cabled cardigan.
The Woolist – Zoe Fletcher
The aim of Zoe’s toolkit is to connect farmers with suppliers, designers and crafters to better utilize the wide range of amazing fleeces that are available in the UK. Zoe hopes that through this connection, some of the rare and endangered breeds will be better supported. During her four year study period she consulted many people from farmers and shearers, to wool classers and all types of crafters.

Zoe saw a need to place scientific fleece data alongside a personal account of the handle and characteristics that come through from fleece to yarn. Her toolkit aims to provide this to industry designers as well as crafters.

Each breed of sheep has a fact sheet and accompanying samples, connecting industry-level wool knowledge and knitwear design technologies in a format that’s easy to understand.
During the interview we also get a mini masterclass on the different sheep breeds with a focus on three of the most endangered breeds.
If you liked hearing about sheep from Zoe then you’ll also enjoy our interview with Deb Robson.
Patron Discount – The Woolist

Zoe Fletcher is offering Fruity Knitting Patrons a 10 percent discount on everything she has on offer in The Woolist Etsy shop. Zoe has beautiful cards, badges and a great tea-towel, all featuring her drawings of the individual sheep breeds. This offer is valid until 13 August, full details here.
Finding The Woolist
Patron Discount – Garthenor Organic

Fruity Knitting Patrons get a 15 percent discount on all yarns available from Garthenor Organic. Garthenor carries organic single-breed yarns, including Jacob, Herdwick, Manx Laughton, Poll Dorset, Portland and Llanwenog. This offer is valid until 13 August, full details here.
Finding Garthenor Organic
Andrea Cull – Woolslayer Designs

Meet Andrea Cull from Oklahoma in ‘Knitters of the World’. Andrea lives on a small farm with horses, goats, chickens, dogs, cats and a husband. She is a passionate knitter and a designer outside of her day job as a school teacher. Andrea has a fun and cheery personality which comes through during her segment but is also clear to see reflected in her designs.

Her Tenkiller shawl below is named after a local lake where she spent summer weekends with her husband. Polka dot bubbles and lace makes the shawl frivolous and fun both to knit and wear.

Patron Discount – Andrea Cull

Andrea Cull’s designs include garments, shawls, socks and hats, and Fruity Knitting Patrons can get a 25 percent discount of all self-published designs. This offer is valid until 13 August, full details here.
Finding Andrea Cull – Woolslayer Designs
- andreacull.com
- Andrea Cull on Ravelry
Johanna Stolpe – Captain Pollen Socks!

Johanna works as a barber in Vasa, a small town on the Finnish west coast. She loves to knit because of the creativity and therapeutic outlet it provides and she also appreciates the warm clothing she gets at the end. We love her quirky sense of humor which inspires her designs. Particularly her super hero socks protecting us from hay fever.

Patrons can get a 25 percent discount off Jojo’s self-published patterns, valid until 13 August, full details here.
Finding Johanna (Jojo) Stolpe
- Johanna S on Ravelry
- jojostolpe on Instagram
- knitbyjojo.wordpress.com
Under Construction
- Andrea is working on Saint Lunaire Griquet by Jennifer Beale
- Andrew is working on Celyn by Michelle Wang

Music Credits
- J. S. Bach, The Well Tempered Klavier, Prelude No. 3 in C-Sharp major, BWV 848, performed by Kimiko Ishizaka, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
- Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky, SouvenirDeFlorence, Op. 70, 1 – AllegroModerato, performed by the US Army Strings, Public Domain
- Sláinte, Album: Cup of Tea, Jig Of Slurs, Dublin Reel, Merry Blacksmith, The Mountain Road, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
- Shake That Little Foot, Bill Cheathum, from the album Shake That Little Foot, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International
- Beethoven, Symphony No. 3 in E Flat Major Eroica, Op. 55 – IV. Finale Allegro molto, Creative Commons Public Domain 1.0
- Peggy Lee, Ain’t We Got Fun, Licensed to YouTube by LatinAutor, UMG, LatinAutor – Warner Chappell, UNIAO BRASILEIRA DE EDITORAS DE MUSICA – UBEM, Warner Chappell, EMI Music Publishing
2 thoughts on “Episode 82 – The Woolist”
I love Andrea’s changes to Beale’s yoked sweater. More traditional and more coherent for my taste. Makes me want to knit it.
I binge watched FK all of April and May starting with Episode 1.
I am tackling your theme music over the summer as I am a piano student (a constant disappointment to my remarkable and wonderful teacher due to Lack Of Practice.)
A wonderful video podcast. Thank you so much.
Hi Gail. Andrew here. The top is looking great, isn’t it! A lot of deliberation gone into it. Andrea taught Madeleine piano from about the age of 4. It was amazing for me to see what real practice looked like, and to see the results. But I’m also a big believer in music just for fun, so enjoy your Bach. And thank you for your support as a Patron. A.