Madeleine and I took a two-week vacation in August, so we couldn’t produce a full 90-minute episode. Instead, we’re excited to bring you a Fruity Knitting Summer Special! This episode features the talented Danish knitwear designer Karoline Skovgaard Bentsen from Aegyo Knit, whom we met in Copenhagen last summer. You’ll also enjoy a fun fashion show where Madeleine models some of Karoline’s popular designs in one of Copenhagen’s local parks.
Aegyo Knit

After finishing her Master’s degree in comparative literature, Karoline decided to change fields and become a hand-knit designer. Her brand Aegyo Knit quickly became popular on Instagram for its relaxed, urban style, often featuring bold patterns and unusual constructions.

Karoline wanted to break away from the stereotype of Danish modern knitwear only being simple, stocking stitch with neutral colours. Instead, her aesthetic is inspired by the South Korean expression “aegyo” which means “to act cute” and is reflected by a playful, youthful, and sometimes rebellious fashion style.

Finding Aegyo Knit
- Website:
- Instagram: @aegyoknit
- Ravelry: aegyoknit
Fashion Show

The interview wraps up with a fun fashion show set in one of Copenhagen’s beautiful parks and featuring some of Karoline’s designs.

- J. S. Bach, The Well Tempered Klavier, Prelude No. 3 in C-Sharp major, BWV 848, performed by Kimiko Ishizaka, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
- Heize, Things are going well, from the album Lyricist, ℗ 2020 Stone Music Entertainment, 스튜디오 블루, released on 10.06.2020, provided to YouTube by Genie Music Corporation