Episode 67 – Linda Marveng – Norwegian Design

Norwegian designer Linda Marveng features in a two-part interview in Episode 67. Linda does amazing cable and lace designs and her work is increasingly popping up all over the place. Linda is a highly skilled designer with a lot of experience and in the interview she also talks in detail about the finishing techniques she uses which is a topic many of you appreciate. The segment ‘Meet the Shepherdess’ also features but instead of meeting sheep we will meet alpacas. Jane from New Leaf Yarns will tell us what it’s like to care for a herd of alpacas and how she makes yarn from their fleeces. There’s a short tutorial from Andrea on ‘finishing’, there’s projects finished, started and in the planning as well as a new KAL to be announced.

Linda Marveng

Linda Marveng’s designs are very distinctive and sophisticated. She uses dynamic silhouettes with lots of texture and very intricate and beautiful cables as well as a fair bit of lace. Linda lived and worked in London for a long time and that’s where she received most of her training in teaching knitting workshops and then later in designing knitwear. I think you can see this mix of British and Scandinavian design reflected in her work. Apart from designing some stunning collections for yarn companies like The Fibre Co. and Hillesvag Ullvarefabrikk, Linda contributes to well-known magazines and has published her own Norwegian Knitting book which we also hear about in the interview. I was very happy to discover Linda’s work more recently, so it’s brilliant that Linda agreed to come on Fruity Knitting to talk to us.

Linda also enjoys working together with other artists and has designed some knitwear to go with shoes from Monica Stålvang as well as some of Judith Bech’s dresses.

Patron Discount – Linda Marveng

Linda is offering Fruity Knitting Patrons a very generous 30% discount off all her individual patterns in her Ravelry store. This is an exciting offer because she has so many great designs for lots of different body types to choose from. If you would like to join in our new cable and lace KAL, you might like to have a look through her store for inspiration.

Finding Linda Marveng


  • Hillesvåg Ullvarefabrikk – only in Norwegian, but you might use your browser’s translate function – right mouse button on the page. Linda mentioned Ask, Tinde and Sølje.

New Leaf Yarns – Meet the Shepherdess

Jane from Edinburgh has grown her little herd of alpacas and is enjoying the adventure of developing her New Leaf Yarn business. You may already have met Jane at the Edinburgh Yarn Festival in 2018 where she was selling her alpaca blend yarns. Alpacas come in 22 recognized shades, ranging from pure white to yet black with lots of grey, beige and brown shades in between. Jane keeps these natural shades and enhances the yarn by blending the alpaca fleece with fleece from a variety of British sheep breeds. Some of Jane’s favourite things about alpacas is the humming noise that they make and their funny loving personalities.

Patron Discount – New Leaf Yarns

There is a 10% discount off everything in Jane’s online store for Fruity Knitting patrons up until December 31st.  All the details are at the patreon site. Thanks very much to Jane!

Finding New Leaf Yarns

Aquila by Louisa Harding

My lace top is finished and I love it! Knitting up Aquila by Louisa Harding with her 100% cashmere Gilli yarn has beaten my expectations in every way. I didn’t think it would be a hard knit but I certainly didn’t expect to sail through without any ripping back. I had chosen to knit it at a different gauge and wasn’t totally sure my calculations would work straight off. The fit and shaping have come out perfectly, and I love the wonderful colour combination. I will definitely be knitting more of Louisa’s designs in the future!

I thought I’d put a short tutorial together on how I do my finishing. There was a lot of ends to weave in (two for every stripe on the body and the arms) and because it’s knitted in a loose gauge with lots of lace eyelets, you have to be extra careful.

Finding Aquila and Louisa Harding

Andrea’s Hiking Jacket

Andrea has been playing around and swatching different cables for Andrew to knit into her Hiking Jacket. She is pretty disappointed with her combinations so far but has plenty of time to come up with an acceptable solution e.g. a cable that is simple enough for me knit, looks good in a bright blue, chunky yarn and looks suitable for a functional hiking jacket. The yarn is the Jamieson and Smith Aran weight.

Other notes

We were wearing

Andrew was wearing Whelk by Martin Storey. Andrea was wearing her new Aquila by Louisa Harding. In the interview Andrea was wearing her Åsemors Kofte by Sidsel Høivik.

Music Credits

Image Credits

16 thoughts on “Episode 67 – Linda Marveng – Norwegian Design”

  1. Pingback: Fruity Knitting podcast and thank you! - New Leaf Yarns

  2. Pingback: Fruity Knitting Podcast Episode 67 | Linda Marveng

  3. One of the many reasons I love this podcast is that I am always learning something new. I have knitted on and off for most of my life but ever since I got hooked on Fruity Knitting I am inspired to knit every day. Andrea’s tutorials are wonderful and then we have designers like Linda sharing their techniques. I have never before seen or heard of anyone using a crochet hook for joining seams. The tip came just as I was about to sew up a matinee jacket for my overdue (!)4th grandchild. Instead of putting off the chore, I followed Linda’s instructions and was amazed at how easy it was.
    Thank you all!

  4. I enjoy the podcast so much, always get my creativity sparked by something that you do or show. I did order several of Linda Marveng’s patterns, I had favorited a few a while back and I have one in a magazine I bought.

    I’d be interested in getting some of the norwegian yarn she is using. Can you put up a link for it?

    You know when you say that this is full time work, you should say this is your career. You’ve done a lot to promote European designers to the American market and made a lot of connections that will probably yield even more opportunities for the creative and the farmers who make it all possible. The upsurge in knitting events and people devoting their careers to designing and teaching will continue to bring knitting to the attention it deserves. I think you’re amazing.

    1. Thank you for your support, Kate, and great to hear that you ordered a few of Linda’s patterns. I’ll look up the details of the yarn and get back to you. Cheers, A + A.

  5. Margaret Ferriman

    I loved this podcast, as I do all of them. Well worth a monthly support (coffee) subscription. I’m sure the cable on the jacket will be decided by now but I would suggest perhaps framing whatever cable you choose for the front in twisted stitches. I heard Linda mentioning this and I think it would suit your design?
    there is always something to learn and be inspired by. Thank you for your enthusiasm, expertise and warmth.

  6. When you’ve found out the details on the Norwegian yarn Kate asked about, could you perhaps put the information in the shownotes? That would be lovely. Thank you so much, and sending all best wishes for Christmas and the New Year. Annette (happy to be a patron and always looking forward to each new episode ????)

  7. New viewer of the podcast and really enjoying it. Also a new knitter (~ 9 months). Am I correct in assuming that KAL means Knit-a-long or something like that? Pardon my ignorance. Is there a resource to how these KALs work? I may want to join up. I’m finishing a lace cardigan as we speak, so I’m guessing this one wouldn’t count, but I may just do another if I can convince my wife to let me. Thanks guys and keep up the great work.

    1. Hi Phillip. You’re right – KAL is Knit-A-Long – we should explain that sometimes! We have a thread on our Ravelry group for the Cable And Lace KAL where you can show and talk about your project. Towards the end of the KAL we will open up a “finished objects” thread, where knitters post only their finished objects. We’ll pick our “winners” from the entries in this thread. Why don’t you put up your current cardigan project – we’d love to see it – and keep working on your wife?!! Cheers, A + A.

  8. Thank you guys, I loved this episode. i’ve only recently found you so am catching up on older episodes, its now Feb 2019. I loved Linda’s designs, I always feel inspired by your guests and your own work. I am a very basic knitter and haven’t done much in my time, now a grandmother of 4, but now am so inspired and wanting to learn because of Fruity Knitting. I’m happy to buy you a coffee…

    1. Thank you, Jenny, for your kind words and for putting something back into the production! It’s great to hear what people get out of the show. Enjoy catching up. A + A.

  9. Pingback: Why Am I On Patreon? | Linda Marveng

  10. Pingback: Episode 99 - Double Knitting - Alasdair Post-Quinn - Fruity Knitting

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