Episode 100 is all about looking back and enjoying the last four years. During this time our own lives have changed so much and it has been a lot of fun to review the people we’ve met and had on the show as guests and also the places we have seen and filmed for the show. I asked Andrew to go through all the records and give me the numbers of who’s been on the show. Here is what he came up with.
We have done a total of 114 long feature interviews, we have featured 65 Knitters of the World, 32 designers have presented their latest designs in New Releases, we’ve had 13 Shepherdess talk about the yarn they create from their flocks in Meet the Shepherdess and we have had three different guests in our Makers segment. That’s where we do a short feature on an artisan crafts-person that’s not related to knitting. In total we have had over 227 guests on Fruity Knitting. On the technical side, we now have around 14 TB of data stored for the 100 episodes to date.
Interview Retrospective
We now have a great archive of mini documentaries on knitting, spinning and wool. When I was preparing, filming and editing each segment, my aim was to make the material stand up to being watched a few times. To have enough informative content that people would benefit from watching it twice. To celebrate Episode 100, I have put together a compilation of 2-3 minute highlights from different interviews that we have done. When I was doing this, I was really struck by the variety of guests and topics that we’ve had on the show. The highlights in this compilation aren’t necessarily from my favourite interviews but I think they are a really good mix.

One of my favourite interviews was with the fabulous Shetland Lace knitters, sisters Kathleen Anderson and Anne Eunson.

Going down memory lane with Wilma Malcolmson and her granddaughter Terri.

Our interview with Lynn Zwerling from Knitting behind Bars deeply touched me. Lynne is one of the most impressive people I’ve ever met.

Another early interview which I really enjoyed doing was with the designer Jimenez Joseph whose design name is JimiKnits.
Compilation of Highlights from 14 interviews
- Philosopher’s Wool Company – Ep. 7
- JimiKnits – Ep. 11
- Susan B Anderson – Barrett Wool Company – Ep. 21
- Carson Demers – Knitting Comfortably – Ep. 31
- Isabell Kraemer – Ep. 45
- Melanie Berg – Ep. 84
- Uradale Farm – Ep. 66
- Elizabeth Johnston – Ep. 40
- Wilma & Terri Malcolmson – Ep. 44
- Kathleen Anderson & Anne Eunson – Shetland Lace – Ep. 64
- Susan Crawford – Ep. 48
- Meg Swansen – Ep. 57
- Knitting Behind Bars – Ep. 53
- Christel Seyfarth – Ep. 85
Patron Discount – JimiKnits
Jiménez has wonderful designs, very stylish and modern. During the compilation, you’ll hear her talk about how she developed her own colour coded system of writing patterns. JimiKnits is offering Fruity Knitting Patrons a off all her self-published patterns. This offer is valid until 24 May, full details here.

Patron Discount – Alasdair Post-Quinn Double Knitting
Last episode we featured the double knitting expert Alasdair Post-Quinn and many of you were completely blown away by his extraordinary designs. Alasdair is also offering Fruity Knitting Patrons a discount off his individual patterns and his books. This offer is valid until 26 May, full details here.

Knitters of the World – Florian Streckfuß

We are also featuring a guest from Berlin in Knitters of the World who has created something very special and touching to celebrate our 100th episode. Florian has knitted us a perfect little replica of our living room which is also the Fruity Knitting Set. We were speechless for quite a while after unpacking the parcel which arrived in the post. It was so much fun to keep looking and discovering new little details that Florian has very thoughtfully included. Not only has he got all the colours right for the main dècor but even the pictures on the wall have the correct colours. There are even tiny knitting needles and over head lights. We were so impressed that we contacted him and persuaded him to come on Knitters of the World to talk about how he created it.

There are two projects on the couch. Andrew is knitting a pair of socks and I’m knitting a gorgeous Alice Starmore jumper (below) done on 1.5 mm needles.

Florian had particular difficulty with the cupboard at the back of the room. Unfortunately for him I kept rearranging the bookshelf and all the crockery.

This was the most touching and thoughtful gift. We love the little hidden details like the garden with roses outside the window and the kitchen with the pineapple through the archway.

Finding Florian
Skye by Marie Wallin
The Skye is finished. It was all fairly straight forward but I needed to custom fit the yoke to sit neat and flat around my neck.

Skye – Marie Mallin using the Hampshire 4 ply from the Grey Sheep Company.
Celestial by Martin Storey

Andrew is working through the patterned front piece of his Celestial, by Martin Storey.

Bressay – Marie Wallin

Madeleine has been really hanging out to learn the two handed Fair Isle technique and to get going on her Bressay project. She has done chart A and B on the body and now needs to continue on the sleeves before joining it all together and finishing the yoke. It’s been great to have her home for a while. Sadly she is leaving in a few days to go back to Uni.

What were we wearing?

- Andrea was wearing her Skye by Marie Wallin.
- Andrew was wearing the Irish Moss by Alice Starmore, knitted in Millpost Merino yarn.
- Madeleine was wearing Sculpted Frost by Linda Marveng.
Music Credits
- J. S. Bach, The Well Tempered Klavier, performed by Kimiko Ishizaka, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0
- Prelude No. 3 in C-sharp major, BWV 848
- Prelude No. 8 in E-flat minor, BWV 853
- Prelude No. 16 in G minor, BWV 861
- Franz Schubert, The Shepherd on the Rock, performed by Musicians from Marlboro, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
- Agustin Barrios Mangore, Don Perez Freire, performed by Edson Lopes, Creative Commons Atribution 3.0 License
- Montana Skies, used under Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License
- Lift
- Locomotion Commotion Potion
- Montana Skies
- Sláinte, Album: Cup of Tea, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0
- Lakes of Pontchartrain
- Scully’s Reel. Mrs McLeod’s. Cooley’s Reel.
- Claude Debussy, Arabesque no. 1, L. 66, performer Simone Renzi, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0
25 thoughts on “Episode 100 – Fruity Knitting – Celebrating 100 Episodes”
This is a question rather than a reply. When I try to access tutorials, I receive a response that I must become a Patron to unlock access. However, I am a Patron and have been for some time. What am I missing?
I’m sorry that it’s giving you problems, Anna. I’ll get back to you by mail to help get that sorted.
Thank you. You bring me inspiration and beauty.
I’d like to see more like videos from Ann Bougeoys. Could you link me to her videos. I’m canadian.
Thank you.
Hi Francine. Our program notes for the Episode with Ann and Eugene are available here, and on that page you’ll find a link to their website where you’ll find their videos.
Congratulations on this milestone. Every episode has been both an entertaining and learning experience.
Congratulations, Andrea and Andrew your 100th episode. I am working my way through all of your shows while we are sheltering in place in sunny Arizona. Yes, there’s a big knitting community here. I have enjoyed learning how yarn gets from sheep into my hands. It’s an amazing journey and thank you again for making such a stellar program.
It warmed my heart to see Ann & Eugene at the start of your highlights in this wonderful episode 100. Since you have not been able to meet them in person I have a story to tell. For several years in the early 2000’s I never missed a chance to visit the Philosopher’s Wool booth at a knitting festival and of course I bought stuff. I was addicted to Ann’s video. During a Stitches show in Baltimore, late in the day, I was in the booth, chatting away when Eugene said “let’s go to dinner.” We walked across the street to a restaurant famous for crab cakes and spent the rest of the evening downing crab cakes and drinking wine. It is still one of the most fantastic events of all my knitting life. They are simply outstanding people.
Thank you for sharing that with us, Kathryn. We would love to have the chance to meet them.
Congratulations Andrea and Andrew!
I LOVED episode 100. It was wonderful to revisit some of the interviews and even though I have watched the Ann and Eugene Bourgeois interview twice already, this made me want to go back and watch it all over again.
Thanks to you, I learned of Carson Demers and am forever referring to his book. I could go on but suffice it to say that life is better with Fruity Knitting.I can hardly wait for the next 100 episodes…no pressure!
What a fun episode, and Andrew, many of us are still slower than we would like and figuring out how to fix our “design elements” along the way.I know that Andrea is an exceptional knitter, but I have often done the same as you on increases and decreases being slightly mismatched and only in very rare circumstances is it noticeable to anyone but me!!
What a great, informative episode. Throughly enjoyable. I love your beautifully produced videos. #100 – It’s just smashing!!
Claire Rygg
Monterey, CA
Congratulations on your 100th Episode! (and to Andrea on reaching that milestone birthday) Fruity knitting brings me a great deal of pleasure and I have learned so much – thank you.
Thanks, Joanna.
Please remind me which episode # includes the felted teddy bears craft highlights. I asked to be added to their list of future buyers; was told I would hear back from them in May 2020. Have not heard from them and want to follow up. Thank you. I enjoy your podcast so very much and recommended it frequently to fellow knitters. Congratulations on #100!
Hi Jean. I think you’re talking about Burra Bears, from Shetland. If you put “Burra Bears” in the Search box on this website, you’ll find the Episode. Cheers, Andrew.
Thank you for the wonderful look back. Your montage from episode 5 had me laughing so hard I was crying. You continue to inspire me. I am knitting projects from two designers I learned about from you – Marie Wallin and Isabell Kraemer
Thank you, Kathryn. We consider tears a success, so very glad to hear we hit the spot. Good luck with your projects – both great designers! A + A.
Congratulations! What an enjoyable episode. Thank you for all the great work you do to create such excellent content.
Thank you, Natalia.
I just viewed episode 2 and wanted to say that it’s easy to see how you got to this wonderful celebration of your 100 episodes.
I can’t get over how brave Andrew was right from the beginning.
I am wondering if you both have ever thought of conducting a hiking/ knitting your?
That is an interesting idea, Carol! We’re going to think about that…
Andrew..related to my comment above..had you heard that Ann Bourgeois died on May 11? A wonderful lady with a good life…
Hi Kathryn. We had heard but didn’t have any details. Thank you for providing this link. Ann was extremely generous when we did our interview with her and Eugene. Andrea is still grateful for learning the two-handed fair-isle method from Ann’s video.
I have a general comment/question: What is the name of that lovely, happy song that is played as the theme to introduce the program’s segment entitled “From fleece to Yarn”???? It is so delightful, showing the sheep all together and that happy music. It is so uplifting! I love this program!
Thank you.
Hi Karen. Check the Music Credits – just above where these comments are. We don’t name the segment where each piece of music is used, but I’m sure you can figure it out!